L&D Strategies

These are ideas I’ve come up with over the years which are designed to solve very niche problems. I’m very proud of them and have encountered very few solutions like these, so I’ve showcased them here. Click on any of the items to learn more!

More Coming Soon!

Project Proposals

What are Project Proposals?

Instructional Designers can’t just turn out brains off- we see opportunities to design better training nearly everywhere. However, or ability to bring them into being is limited by our time and energy. As such, I have to keep a tight lid on what projects I decide to complete. To decide what gets finished, I use the following criteria:

  • Completed projects have to be something I’m being compensated for, OR
  • Completed projects have to be something the world needs, where the potential help I can offer the audience is its own reward for the time I spend creating learning material

Project Proposals are where I keep the in-between ideas. These are things that I want to make, but often cater to extremely niche audiences or needs. While they are fun to dream up, my return on investment is very small, often costing me a lot of time when the people that need the material are so few that there’s no guarantee they’d ever find my work in the vast expanse of the internet. Instead, I let these documents gather dust on this page, showcasing my instructional design talents as they wait for the right organization to commission them in full.

See the Projects

More Coming Soon!